Manager (Advanced)
1. Login using your "Administrator" credentials
2. From the main menu, select "Course" from the "Report" category
3. All courses will now be available for review.
Item Details:
- Course Name - Title of course
- Course Description - Short description of course
- Assigned - The number of times the course has been assigned to User / Employee
- Compliant - The percentage of compliance based on User / Employee's assigned and completed
Report Example (Based on the images provided in this knowledge base):
ASA102-Fire has been assigned two times, and has been completed once, giving this course a compliant percentage of 50%.
4. Selected course detail can be provided by selecting the desired course (User / Employee Assignment Course Drill down).
Item Details:
- Employee - The name of the User / Employee assigned the course
- 1 CEU per Course - Name of the Course
- Instruction - Date that the course was assigned to User / Employee
- Compliance To - Date of compliance period (Monthly, Annual, etc)
- Score - The score the User / Employee achieved
5. All information can be sorted by selecting the Column Header