Manager (Basic)
1. Login using your "Administrator" credential
2. Select "Edit" under the "User" category
3. Select the desired User / Employee
3. Add the "New User" information
1. Username - Edit the "User Name" of the individual.
Standardized Guidance
It is important to select a standard format for reporting purposes such as; Last Name, First Initial.
Example: JohnsonB
Duplicate User Names - In the event there are Users/Employees with the same Last Name and First Initial, it may be necessary add additional characters such as a Middle Name Initial
Example: JohnsonBF
2. Employee Name - Edit employee name
3. User Level - edit employee level. (Note, users will not be able to be granted curtain levels based on role based permissions.)
4. Status - Edit the employee status:
- Active
- In-Active
- On-Leave
- Terminated
5. Department - Edit employee Department:
- Admin
- Corporate
- Dietary
- Field
6. Email - Edit the employees working email address
7. Password - Edit the existing password. (be sure to forward new password to User / Employee once changed.)
9. Once all Edits have been completed, select the "Submit" button to complete editing the user.