User Login

New Users:

New users can register or sign up using the "Sign Up Now" function. Users will be required to supply the following information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username (suggested username should be Lastname.firstinitial)

Users that enter an existing username may ad numerical (1,2,3,4,etc) to generate the username. 

  • email address

It is advised to enter a functional email address to be alerted of instruction deadlines and communication. 

  • Password

It is advised to confirm the password with your manager. Typicly there is a unified password for the facility to assist with login at the local level. 

Exisiting Users

Existing users can use their previous login from the Fels LMC V1.0. These may incluse the following formats:

  • Lastname.firstinitial
  • firstinitial.Lastname
  • Facility or custom username

Password can use the previous password which typically is the facility name or abbreviated facility name. 


It is advised that any user experience login difficulty please contact support to facilitate access. 

 Support can be reached by using the support icon "question mark" located below on the left or by emailing